Sample 1-on-1 Lesson
快 (faai3) fast; quick
慢 (maan6) slow
唔該你講慢少少啊。(ng4 goi1 lei5 gong2 maan6 siu2 siu2 aa1)
Please say it a little slower.
唔該你再講一次啊。(ng4 goi1 lei5 zoi3 gong2 jat1 ci3 aa1)
Please say it again.
你可唔可以… (lei5 ho2 ng4 ho2 ji5…)
Can you…
你可唔可以再講一次啊?(lei5 ho2 ng4 ho2 ji5 zoi3 gong2 jat1 ci3 aa3)
Can you say it again?
1 一 (jat1)
2 二 (ji6) / 兩 (loeng5)
3 三 (saam1)
4 四 (sei3)
5 五 (ng5)
點樣 (dim2 joeng2) how
呢度點樣?(lei1 dou6 dim2 joeng2)
How’s this place?
你覺得呢度點樣?(lei5 gok3 dak1 lei1 dou6 dim2 joeng2)
What do you think of this place?
你今日點樣?(lei5 gam1 jat6 dim2 joeng2)
How’s your day today?
尋日 (cam4 jat6) yesterday
你尋日做咩啊?(lei5 cam4 jat6 zou6 me1 aa3)
What did you do yesterday?
我尋日整咗美國菜。(ngo5 cam4 jat6 zing2 zo2 mei5 gok3 coi3)
I cooked American food yesterday.
我今日食咗花生醬。(ngo5 gam1 jat6 sik6 zo2 faa1 sang1 zoeng3)
I ate peanut butter today.
我唔係好中意食花生醬。(ngo6 ng4 hai6 hou2 zung1 ji3 sik6 faa1 sang1 zoeng3)
I don’t really like to eat peanut butter.
想 (soeng2) to want (+verb)
要 (jiu3) want to have; need (+verb/noun)
我想踩單車。(ngo5 soeng2 caai2 daan1 ce1) I want to ride the bike.
我要踩單車。(ngo5 jiu3 caai2 daan1 ce1) I need to ride the bike.
想要 (soeng2 jiu3) would like
我想要一個咖啡。(ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 jat1 go3 gaa3 fe1)
I would like a coffee.
我想要一杯咖啡。(ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 jat1 bui1 gaa3 fe1)
I would like a cup of coffee.
唔該我想要一杯咖啡。(ng4 goi1 ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 jat1 bui1 gaa3 fe1)
I would like a cup of coffee please.
大 (daai6) large
細 (sai3) small
唔該我想要一杯大咖啡。(ng4 goi1 ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 jat1 bui1 daai6 gaa3 fe1)
I would like a cup of large coffee please.
烏龍茶 (wu1 lung2 caa4) Oolong tea
水 (seoi2) water
凍 (dung3) iced; cold
冰 (bing1) iced; ice
唔該我想要兩杯冰水。(ng4 goi1 ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 loeng5 bui1 bing1 seoi2)
I would like two cups of iced water please.
(ng4 goi1 ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 saam1 bui1 daai6 ge3 dung3 gaa3 fe1)
I would like three cups of large iced coffee please.
(ng4 goi1 ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 jat1 bui1 sai3 ge3 dung3 wu1 lung2 caa4 tung4 jat1 bui1 daai6 ge3 dung3 gaa3 fe1)
I would like a cup of small iced Oolong tea and a cup of large iced coffee.
係 (hai6) is
喺 (hai2) at
我未婚夫係喺香港來噶。(ngo5 mei6 fan1 fu1 hai6 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 lei4 gaa6)
My fiancé is from Hong Kong.
我係喺Arizona來噶。(ngo5 hai6 hai2 Arizona lei4 gaa6) I am from Arizona.
點解 (dim2 gaai2) why
點解你要來紐約?(dim2 gaai2 lei5 jiu3 lei4 lau2 joek3)
Why did you come to New York?
呢度多嘢做。(lei1 dou6 do1 je5 zou6)
There are many job opportunities here.
點解你今日唔踩單車?(dim2 gaai2 lei5 gam1 jat6 ng4 caai2 daan1 ce1)
Why didn’t you ride your bike today?
今日太凍。(gam1 jat6 taai3 dung3) It’s too cold today.
咁… (gam2…) so; then
你依家做緊咩啊?(lei5 ji1 gaa1 zou6 gan2 me1 aa3)
What are you doing now?
我唔明你講緊咩。(ngo5 ng4 ming4 lei5 gong2 gan2 me1)
I don’t understand what you’re saying.
你最中意食咩菜?(lei5 zeoi3 zung1 ji3 sik6 me1 coi3)
What kind of dish do you like to eat the most?
佢點講?(keoi5 dim2 gong2)
What did he/she say about it?
我識講少少廣東話。(ngo5 sik1 gong2 siu2 siu2 gong2 dung1 waa2)
I know how to speak a little Cantonese.
我都識講少少廣東話。(ngo5 dou1 sik1 gong2 siu2 siu2 gong2 dung1 waa2)
I also know how to speak a little Cantonese.
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